Save Our Teen Drivers

Advocating for driver's education changes. Educating the public on the problem. Finding a solution that saves lives.

Rookie Driver magnents now patented

Posted by lapearce on June 11, 2009

I’ve used the Rookie Driver magnet photo in my post about New Jersey’s new teen driver program that mandates novice driver cars be marked as such. Since I’ve been using their photo, I think it is time to give them some credit.

The Rookie Driver magnent is available in all 50 states, so teens who do not live in New Jersey, or Deleware (where stickers are optional) can still let people on the road know that the driver behind the wheel is a new, or “rookie” driver. Rookie Driver hopes that their signs become a nation-wide indicator of a new driver.

The purpose of the magnents, according to Rookie Driver is to “allow experienced drivers in every state to quickly identify the symbol and anticipate common new driver mistakes.”

Another hope for these signs, that New Jersey has identified, is that the teen drivers will drive more carefully because they are branded and know people are watching them.

So if you have a teen driver and do not live in New Jersey or Delaware, but still want to have them identified out on the road, either the Rookie Driver magnent, or Safer Teen Driver’s “How’s My Driver” signs are a good option.

Remember too, though, to talk to your kids about safe driving and come up with rules on your own for them to follow. Don’t just rely on a magnent or a sign to keep your teen under control while driving. They can help, but they are not a replacement for parental involvement.

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